ĦĦSix scientific research projects being carried out are  as  follows  and  they  are  aided  by  Shenzhen Scientific Research Bureau.

A study on introduction, selective breeding and popularizing application of characteristic flowering arbors, shrubs.

A study on method of control against main diseases and pests of landscape plants in Shenzhen.

Resource investigation of wild plants with special protection by the State in Shenzhen.

Research on popularizing application of rare and endangered plants in the greenland system of the city.

Research on ex situ conservation, breeding and application of cycads.

A study on fast propogation and application of Jacaranda acutifolia Humb. et Bonpt.

There are such five laboratories in the garden as tissue culture lab, biochemistry lab, plant protection lab, seeds physiology lab and microscope lab. These laboratories were newly established and equipped with many new instruments such as Sterilizer sturdy SA-300Vam ABI Prism 3100 Genetic Analyzer 3100, Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R,5417C, Eppendorf Mastercycler Gradient and Syngene GG/DPC-E GeneGenius in the biochemistry lab and Leica TP1020 Automatic Tissue Processor for Histology Application, Leica ST4040, Zeiss Axioplan 2 Imaging Microscope, Zeiss Stemi SVII Microscope, Zeiss Stemi 2000C Microscope, HM340E Rotany Microtome and E400 Biological Microscope in the microscope lab.
The project "An investigation and protection countermeasures of the ancient and famous trees in Shenzhen Special Economical Zone" won Shenzhen Science Progress Grade Three Reward in 1998. And
the other one " An investigation of ornamental trees in Shenzhen" won Shenzhen Science Progress Grade Two Reward in 1999.
There are more than 12000 copies of botanical books and other ones in the library of the garden. Reading room of the library takes 300 square meters and exhibits about 150 kinds of magazines and periodicals as well as 36 kinds newspaper.

There are about 8000 ordinal numbers and 12000 specimens in the herbrium. It is the largest specimen collection of cycads with more than 500 ordinal numbers and 5000 specimens in China .
Feng Huiling, Dr., Research on insects, diseases and weeds on landscape plants and their controlling. Main articles as following:
        1.  Feng Huiling & Huang Zhangxin, 1997. Effects of RH-5849 against Larvae of Diamonthback Moth under Different Temperatures, Plant Protection, 23 (5): 10-12 (in Chinese)
        2.   Feng Huiling & Wang Yongjin, 1998. The Prevention and Control of Main Pests and Diseases on Palms. Journal of Guangdong Landscape Architecture, 1998 (1): 35~36
        3.  Feng Huiling, 1997. Palm Pests and Their Control, South China Palms, 8:1-9
        4.   Wang Yongjin, Li Peiqiong, Feng Huiling, Xie Haibiao, 1998.The Ancient and Famous Trees in Shenzhen and Protection, Guangdong Yuanlin ,1998 (3): 37-41
        5.  Wen Dazhi, Ye Wanhui, Feng Huiling, Cai Chuxiong, 2000.Different Biological Characteristic of Mikania micrantha under Different Environment, Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany,8 (2):139-146
        6.   Feng Huiling, 1998. Survey of Plant Protection Work in Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanic Garden, 109-114,China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing

        Li Nan, Dr., General secretary of Cycad Society of China, Member of Conifers Specialists Group of IUCN, curator of Cycads collection and Conifers collection. Main publications:
        1.  Fu Liguo, Li Nan, Robert Mill, 1999. "Araucariaceae, Pinaceae, Cephalotaxaceae, Taxaceae" in FLORA OF CHINA, 4: 8-52, 85-96, Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis) (in English).
        2.  Fu Liguo, Li Nan, Xiang Qiaoping, 2000. " Pinaceae" in High Plants of China, 3:13-67(in Chinese).
        3.  Chen Tanqing, Li Nan,1999. Ex situ Conservation of Cycads in Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, China Forestry Publishing House. (in Chinese and English)
        4.  Li Nan, Fu Likuo, 1997. Notes on Gymnosperms I. Taxonomic Treatments of Some Chinese Conifers, Novon, 7:261-264
        5.  Li Nan, 1996. Systematic studies of the Family of Pinaceae (I), Bulletin of Botanical Research, 16 (1): 32-45. (in Chinese)
        6.  Li Nan et al., 1995. Studies on the Geographical Distribution, Original and Dispersal of the Family of Pinaceae, Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 33(2): 105-133 (in Chinese)
        7.  Li Nan, 1993. Geographical Study of the Genus of Pseudotsuga, Botanical Research, 13 (4): 404-411 ( in Chinese)
        8.  Li Nan et al., 1990. Florical Analysis on the Genus of Caragana-Leguminosae, Bulletin of Botanical Research, 10 (4): 93-99 (in Chinese)
        9.  Li Nan, 1990. Chromosomical Study on Partial Medical Plants of Xinjiang, Acta Bot. Bor.-Occid. Sin. 10(3): 203-210

        Li Peiqiong(Li Pei-chun, P.C.Li), professor, systematist. Studies on taxonomy of such high plants as Betulaceae, Mimonaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Fabaceae and Cyperaceae in China, Landscape plants of Shenzhen. Main articles as follows:
        1.  Li Pei-chun et al., 1972. Icongographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum, Volume 1,2, Science Press (Beijing) (in Chinese)
        2.  Li Pei-chun et al., 1976. Icongographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum, Volume 5, Science Press (Beijing) (in Chinese)
        3.  Li Pei-chun et al., 1979. Flora Reipuiblicae Popularis Sinicae, Tomus 21(Betulaceae), Science Press (Beijing) (in Chinese)
        4.  Li Pei-chun et al., 2000. Flora Reipuiblicae Popularis Sinicae, Tomus 12(Cyperaceae), Science Press (Beijing) (in Chinese)
        5.  Li Pei-chun, 1983. Flora of Xizang vol.(1) (Betulaceae), Science Press (Beijing) (in Chinese).
        6.  Li Pei-chun et al., 1986 Flora of Xizang vol.(2) (Leguminosae), Science Press (Beijing) (in Chinese).
        7.  Li Pei-chun et al., 1986 Flora of Xizang vol.(3) (Cornaceae), Science Press (Beijing) (in Chinese).
        8.  Li Pei-chun et al., 1981. The Formation and Differentiation of Leguminosae Flora in Xizang, in Geological and Ecological Studies of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau , Science Press (Beijing), Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers Inc., New York
        9.  Li Pei-chun, 1993. Vascular Plants of the Hengduan Mountain vol.(I) (Betulaceae, Leguminosae), Science Pree (Beijing)
        10.  Li Pei-chun, 1994. Vascular Plants of the Hengduan Mountain vol.(II) (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Cypereaceae), Science Press (Beijing)
        11.  Li Pei-chun, 2000. Higher Plants of China, vol. 4( Betulaceae), Qingdao Publishing House.(in Chinese)

        Li Yong, Dr., Head of Science & Research Department, Curator of Cacti & Succulent, Studies on Podocarpaceae, Cacti & Succulents. Main articles as follows:
        1.  Li Yong, Tu Lizhu, 1994. Ultrastructural Observations on the Synergid of the Mature Embryo Sac in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Neimenggu, 25(4):450-455.
        2.  Li Yong et al., 1994. An Ultrastructural Study of the Microspore Development in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Neimenggu, 25(2):190-196.
        3.  Li Yong, 2000, "Podocarpaceae" in Higher Plants of China, 3:95-101, Qingdao Publishing House.(in Chinese)
        4.  Li Yong, 1999, "Podocarpaceae" in Flora of China, 4:78-84, Science Press (Beijing), Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis) (in English).

        Wang Dingyue, Dr., Cycad systematist. Studies on taxonomy, evolution and origin of cycad. Main articles as following:
        1.  Wang Dingyue, 1996. Systematic Classification and Geographic Distribution of Cycadaceae, Cycads in China, 19-32, Guangdong Science and Technology Press (Guangzhou) (in Chinese and English).
        2.  Wang Dingyue, 1996. Taxonomy of Cycas in China, Cycads in China, 33-142, Guangdong Science and Technology Press (Guangzhou) (in Chinese and English).
        3.   Wang Dingyue et al., Distribution of Resources of Cycas in China and Countermeasures of Protection, Cycads in China, 225-237, Guangdong Science and Technology Press (Guangzhou) (in Chinese and English).
        4.  Wang Dingyue, 1995. A Preliminary Study of the Cycas Micholitzii Complex, Encephalartos 44:31-38
        5.  Wang Dingyue & Deng Caoyi, 1995. A New Species of Cycas (Cycadaceae) from China, Encephalartos 43:11-14
        6.  Wang Dingyue & Deng Caoyi, 1995. A Supplementary Description of the Guizhou Cycad from China, Encephalartos 43: 14-16
        7.  Wang Dingyue & Peng Han, 1995. An Investigation of Individuals of the Type Locality and Textual Research on the Origin of Cycas szechuanensis Cheng et L.K.Fu, Chinese Bulletin of Botany 12 (Supplement):21-25 (in Chinese)
        8.   Wang Dingyue, 2000. A Cycad Name Which was Misidentified----South China Cycad, Journal of Nanjing Forestry University 24(4): 35-38(in Chinese).
        9.   Wang Dingyue, 2000. A Textual Research on Yunnan Cycad, Journal of Jiangxi Agriculture University .

        Wang Yongjin, head of Landscape Management Department, Curator of palm garden. Studies on taxonomy and cultivation of palm, flora of southern subtropics and landscape plants. Main articles as following:
        1.   Li Pintao,Wang Yongjin, Wu zhiming, Xiao Mianyun, Xie Guogang, 1993. An Investigation of Plant Resources on Qimuzhang Mountain in Guangdong. Natural Science, Journal of Hainan University, 11(2):19~23
        2.  Wang Yongjin et al., 1993. Study on the Flora of Qimuzhang in Guangdong. Journal of South China Agriculture University, 14(3): 102~109
        3.   Chen Tanqing, Li Peiqiong, Wang Yongjin, 1995. A Purpose of Establishment of the Research Center of Ex-situ Conservation of Rare and Endangered Trees in South Subtropical of China (Summary). A Collection of Thesis for International Symposium on Conservation of Rare & Endangered Species of Fauna & Flora.1995, Guilin, China .190~191
        4.   Chen Tanqing, Li Peiqiong, Wang Yongjin, 1996. Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Past, Present and Future. Botanic Gardens Conservation News, 2( 6): 48~49
        5.  Feng Huiling & Wang Yongjin, 1998. The Prevention and Control of Main Pests and Diseases on Palms. Journal of Guangdong Landscape Architecture, 1998(1): 35~36
        6.  Wang Yongjin et al., 1998. Ancient Trees in Shenzhen Economic Special Zone: The Counter- measure for Their Protection. Journal of Guangdong Landscape Architecture, 1998(3): 37~41
        7.  Wang Yonglin et al., 1998.Study on the Ex situ Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, The 15th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, 51~63,China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing
        8.  Wang Yongjin, Chen Guanghu, 1998. Introduction and Research of Palms in Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, The 15th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, 66~72, China Forestry Publishing House. Beijing
         9.  Wang Yongjin et al., 2000. The Investigation and Evaluation of Landscape Trees and Shrubs in Shenzhen. Journal of China Landscape Architecture, 16 (1): 49~52

        Zhang Shouzhou, Dr., Curator of Magnolia Garden, Plant biodiversity and germplasm specialist , plant cytotaxonomic and phylogeny researcher.
        1.  Zhang Shouzhou et al. ,1998. In situ Hybridization and its Application in Studies on Oryza , Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 36(1): 87-96 (in Chinese)
        2.  Zhang Shouzhou et al., 1998. In Situ Hybridization and its Application in Plant Evolutionary Botany. Li Chengsen (ed.) Advance in Plant Science ,31-47 , High Education Publisher ( Beijing) ( in Chinese )
        3.  Zhang Shouzhou et al., 1997. Observation on Meiosis Abnormity in the Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. Spontanae , Acta Botanica Sinica39(5): 397-404 ( in Chinese )
        4.  Zhang Shouzhou et al.,1997. In situ Hybridization of Biotinylated DNA Probe to Meiotic Chromosomes of Wild Paeony. In Kondo K (ed) Conservation Biology in Plants Common to Japan and China, 44-47. Nishili Print Co. Ltd. Japan.
        5.  Zhang Shouzhou et al., 1997. Variation of r DNA Loci in Some Wild Species of Oryza Detected by in situ Hybridization, Ibids, 48-49
        6.  Zhang Shouzhou, Ma Yuchuan. 1991. IOPB Chromosome Data 1. Int . Organ. Pl. Biosyst Newslett (Zurich) 13:21-22
        7.  Zhang Shouzhou , Cao Rui. Chromosome Number and its Karytype Analysis in Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. Acta Phytotaxonomic Sinica,, 28(2): 133-135 ( in Chinese )
        8.  Zhang Shouzhou , Ma Yuchuan. 1989. Karyotype Analysis of Cistanche deserticola Ma, Acta Intramongolica Univ. 20(2): 277-280 ( in Chinese )
        9.  Zhang Shouzhou et al., 1994. Cytotaxonomical Studies on 14 species of Oxytropis DC. from Inner Mongolia, Acta Intramongolica Univ 25(1): 64-72 ( in Chinese )
        10.  Ma Yuchuan, Zhang Shouzhou, 1990. Study on the Systmatica Positon of Tetraena Maxim, Acta Phytotaxonomic Sinica, 28(2): 89-95 ( in Chinese )

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